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By Alex Watson, March 08, 2024 10:21 am

What can a Regular Home Service Routine do?

Let’s draw your mind back to the office on Monday morning…

> Tim from Tech just spent his whole weekend chauffeuring the kids around, ending with a dirty pile of mismatched soccer boots, sweaty uniforms and unfinished homework. 

> Your PA Priya drove hours to check in on her ageing parents and helped them with their appointments, leaving no time to meal prep for her week ahead.

> Creative lead Charlie ran out of time and motivation to clean and restore order at home, feeling overwhelmed and uninspired for new ideas.

As Tim goes throughout his day, the laundry pile he’ll be met with is in the back of his mind… 

As Priya starts her day, she is thinking about what she’ll do for dinner, knowing it will be a late finish and something unhealthy… 

Charlie knows deep down, she needs order and zen at home to energise with a clear mind for creative thinking… 

Then there is you. Yes you. The leader, the motivator, the people and culture person, the benefits and rewards officer… the one who sees your team, hears the overwhelmed ‘lost my soccer boots’ call at 2pm on a Wednesday afternoon, sees the late night desk microwave dinners and the blank page stares… 

Whether you know the situation or not, you are often a witness (and also fall victim) to how what happens or doesn’t happen at home, outside the workplace, can have an effect on what happens within it. 

Home is a sanctuary, base camp – the place we rest, the place we spend quality time, the place we prepare ourselves to show up our very best. If compromised, we feel constantly behind the eight ball, spin our wheels, lose sight of taking care of ourselves – and never have the time or resources to fix it. 

What does this mean for work? Loss of focus, low energy, distraction, mediocre output and results – on REPEAT. Week after week, month after month, year after year. Because let’s face it, the bathroom doesn’t clean itself, the laundry fairy doesn’t exist and the floors see more tumbleweeds than the wild west! 

“Yikes! I get it!” we hear you say, “But how can I help?…” 

Well the good news is, we just so happen to know some amazing people who can help you, help those in your care.

A fully inclusive, personalised regular home service routine that takes care of cleaning, meal prep, laundry, watering the plants, walking the dog or picking up your groceries – that’s us! 

Just like we know every home is different, we know every company is different. As a Corporate Partner with Family Clean, you can integrate our service into your employee wellbeing initiatives, your benefit platforms, salary packages or employee allowances. 

So, if you know a few people like Tim, Priya and Charlie (or even for yourself!) – jump on over to our partnerships page and let us know how we can help you make sure that your people have access to a resource that can actually make a real life changing difference – making dazed Monday’s and distracted minds a thing of the past! 

We look forward to meeting you.